Shampoo Shape-Up: What You’re Doing Wrong!


It all starts with the wash. From the most basic of blowouts to more complex styles, it is agreed by many that the basis begins at the basin — with your shampoo, that is! While technique, product usage and overall effort are extremely important to a lasting style, there are many myths and misconceptions about hair care as far as shampoo goes… and we’re here to help you wash all of them away!

Hair Don’t: “Any Shampoo Will Do”

Hair Do: Find what works for you! It is a common misconception that your hair can get “used to” whatever products you are using and cease to perform, but that’s far from correct! If you find a product that makes your locks luscious, stick with it! According to Blowtique stylist Jordan Mcleod, “You need to make sure that you’re using the right products for your hair. If not, it can be more easily weighed down”. Find your formula and stick with it! For oily hair, he recommends Oribe’s Signature Shampoo, seeing as it is sulfate and paraben-free! As far as dry hair goes, he suggests something with a little more of a hydration level (did someone say Oribe’s Shampoo for Moisture and Control?).


Hair Don’t: Skipping the Conditioner

Hair Do: Fearful of being weighed down? Nothing can stop you, beautiful! If you think that conditioner is too much for your tresses, just modify the application! We suggest applying condition from the mid-shaft to ends. Little tip? Comb it through to ensure even distribution! Plus, your hair will be knot-free before the style! Efficiency is the name of the game, ladies! Product we suggest? Oribe’s Gold Lust Conditioner. “The Gold Lust is repairing, good for all types of hair, yet it’s not too heavy for everyday use,” says McLeod.

Basically, do what works for you! Care for your hair and treat it with love!

XO, Blowtique.

Don’t forget to connect with us! We’re on Twitter and Instagram @blowtiquesalon, as well as Facebook!


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